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COVID-19 Questionnaire online

Ranas Ltd., partnering with ETH and Eawag, has developed a questionnaire to understand what makes some people conform better with the restrictions related to the Covid-19 outbreak than others. We all know by now that we should wash our hands correctly in key situations, leave our homes as little as possible and keep a minimum of 2 meters distance to others. We know that many but not everyone follows these rules but that we can only be successful in fighting the Coronavirus if everyone does. Our nationwide questionnaire survey wants to understand the reasons for following or not following the regulations. Please help us to improve the Swiss answer to Covid-19. To participate in the survey, click on the picture below. Deadline: 27 April 2020.

COVID-19 Questionnaire




Prof. Dr. phil. et dipl. zool.

Hans-Joachim Mosler

Bergheimstrasse 8

8032 Zurich


© 2020 RanasMOSLER

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